被Kelly幸福點名到, 就當作消遣看看吧!



1. 你最希望從朋友(不包括愛人)那裏得到的是什麼?

2. 如果可以自由選擇,你最想居住在哪個國家/城市?

3. 最受不了自己的哪個缺點?

4. 遇到喜歡的人,你是勇敢表白還是默默關注?
 我?表白?!可能等下輩子吧!喜歡就自己追過來啊!Be a man!!

5. 說出點你名的人3個優點(不可刪除題)
 嗯~~~一定要說3個嗎??!!! well...美麗大方、很會照顧人又容易接近、細心敏銳又聰明

6. 愛人和被人愛,哪一種更幸福?

7. 你現在最想擁有的是什麼?
 小叮噹!不行嗎?!好吧,退而求其次 - 錢!!哈哈

8. 今天穿什麼?

9. 每天會讓自己開心的三件小事.

10. 這輩子做過最瘋狂的事情是什麼?如果沒有,最想從事的瘋狂行為是什麼?

11. 十年以後,你想過什麼樣的生活?你打算如何實現呢?

12. 接下來最想去旅行的國家或城市,為什麼?

13. 你喜歡自己的星座嗎?為什麼?哪一點特質你最喜歡,試說明之。
 金牛…ok啦..還好啦...內心細膩敏感以致對負面的記憶很難釋懷,but 優點是對美食、美學都很有品味!

14. 什麼時候覺得孤獨?
 想念卻無法觸踫的時候 ( 和 Kelly 差不多,呵呵 )

15. 最近一次掉眼淚是?
 昨天看「The bear name Winnie」電影的時候…每次看感人的動物電影都會哭,嗚嗚

16. 最近誰最讓你開心或最開心的事?

17. 如果你心中有個秘密,又忍不住想要告訴別人,你會採取什麼方式來釋放心中的秘密呢?

18. 對你來說真愛是什麼?請說明。
 一種 無 法 言 喻 的感覺

19. 你覺得「愛」一個人和「習慣」某一個人會分不清楚嗎?

20. 最讓妳抓狂的事?
 睜眼說瞎話 = 把人當笨蛋

接下來, 我也要把幸福傳給別人啦!

1. 巴西人 in Brazil
2. 喵子娘 in NewZealand
3. Bob in Canada (英文版)
4. 恩媽 in Canada(不知她寫過沒,總之…)
5. 熊 in Taiwan
6. peggie in Taiwan
7. Cathy in Vietnam
8. Ellen in Taiwan

< English Version >

Kelly had added me in her Role Call listme, so there it goes :

The rules of Bliss Role Call:

write down your answers on your blog - you must also change one question to your own liking so it's best if you change one you don't like.
And then list 8 names of people who you would like to call - also send them a notice to make sure they know they have been added to your Role Call.

please write down the name of the person who added you to their Role Call (and who called you) and pass it to the other 8 people, no return.

ps. those called canot refuse to answer the questions.

all who finished the game will get blessing from everyone and all your wishes will come true in shortly.

here are the questions for you :

1. What do you want the most from your friends ? ( not incloud lover/partner )
warm friendship

2. Which country/city would you like to live in the most if you can have your choice ?
still looking for.. ( plz tell me if have any good suggest ! )

3. What trait do you see in yourself that you hate the most ?
speed of making decisions !

4. Would you tell someone that you are very interested in them romantically ?
Are you kidding?! Come to me fast if you like me !! Be a man !

5. List 3 good things about the person who put you in her/his role call. ( this question must be answered and cannot be deleted! )
Do I have to list Only 3 ?!!! hum...well...beautiful, friendly, caring, sensitive, clear and smart... ( all above is true. ) ( is that make me a flatterer? :P )

6. Which is better - to love or be loved ?
Be loved! Be loved by someone I love !

7. What's the one thing you want to have most right now ?
Dolaemo, the blue magic robot cat who has a maggic pocket
What?! I can't ?!!! oh, no!! Well... money then.

8. What are you wearing today ?

9. List 3 things that would make your day each and every day.
seeing birds and animals runing around outside, Gardening, food and if there is the #4 it would be.... playing Bob !!

10. What's the most crazy thing you have ever done in your life ? If you haven't done it yet, what crazy thing would you like to do ?
can't remember...getting old...

11. What kind of life do you want in 10 years ? How will you make this come true ?
Have my own lovely house somewhere with great view, with my love and big piece of yard where I'd plant lots things. And I will be snacking on fresh, super sweet tomatos from trees and laughing at same time, hahah..
How it gonna come ture ? how about win the lottery ticket ?! heheh .. making more money of course ( if I didn't win it..)

12. Which country/city do you want to travel to next ? Why ?
some nice relax beach by the warm ocean, live in a bangalow on the white sand beach, not sure where know what I really want?! Travel around the world with Bob or friends, it'd be really fun!!

13. Which star sign are you ? Do you like being this star sign? And why ? What speciality from it do you like the most ?
Taurus, hum...good and bad...maybe too sensitive inside to let bad memories go and we also have very sensitive taste !

14. When do you feel lonely ?
While missing someone but can't reach whom

15. When was the last time you cried?
When I was watching the movie The bear name Winnie last night

16. What thing or peoson has made you the happiest lately ?
lots lotss of strawberries covered with chocolate foutain plus chocolate mint ice cream with Bob watched me ate on my birthday, hahah..oh, and lots of pretty fatty shrimps !!

17. What would you do if you had a secret deep in your heart and you really wanted to tell?
Write on blog..

18. What is True Love for you ? please explain it..
It's a feeling that really hard to explain..

19. Do you think it would be difficult to tell if you are truly in love or that you are just used to being with someone?
yes sometime, but.. once awhile you might feel it indistinctly and don't want to admit it.

20. What drives you crazy the most ?
Talking bushit = lies, treat me like a fool !

Now, I gonna make a Bliss Roll Call as follow, you better watch out, people !!

1. Brazilian in Brazil
2. Yi in NewZealand
3. Bob in Canada ( in english )
4. Annie in Toronto, Canada
5. bear in Taiwan
6. Cathy in Vietnam
7. Peggie in Taiwan
8. Ellen in Taiwan

( all blogs above was done in chinese but Bob's )
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